The tree smells good! It passes the Jackpot smell test.
Oh, the Food Dude is doing something to the tree. If the Food Dude is involved with the tree, I approve!
The beans are staring at the tree and giving it a lot of attention. I better sit right in front of it.
There are packages under the tree now. The beans are excited about the packages. I will sit under the tree so they will be excited about me too. It is nice and warm under the tree.
Ah yes, this is a good place for a cat. The beans think I am just napping under the tree. Actually, I am checking out the hanging things to see which one I should whap. So many choices!
Ah yes, this is a good place for a cat. The beans think I am just napping under the tree. Actually, I am checking out the hanging things to see which one I should whap. So many choices!
Now I am walking away from the tree so the beans think I don't care about all the whapping toys I have identified.