Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've Been Tagged!

I was tagged by MomBean Jacqueline and her kitties, Calle, Halle, and Sukki! This is the first time I have ever been tagged, so I am very excited. This is the 10th picture tag game. I had to find the tenth picture that was ever taken of me. And I have to tell the story of this picture.
Since I just got to my forever home, it was easy to find this picture. It was taken on my cat tree on March 4, 2010. I had only lived in my new home for two weeks when this picture was taken. I was happy on my cat tree, but still a bit embarrassed about my surgery scars and missing tabby furs. And I think I was still a little bit worried about whether this was really my true forever home.
I have a big, smiley face these days, and my fur is growing back. I'll show you all a picture this weekend. Thank you Jacqueline (what a pretty pic of you in Aruba!!), and Calle, Halle, and Sukki. What great new CB pals you have become!
I have to tag some other kitties for this game. They are:
Mickey, Tillie and Georgia (good luck with this task, Mickey!!!)
Have fun, kitties!


  1. Catzowey Jackpot my pal! Whatza me and myself do to play da TAG? I don'tza got dat game in EyeTailYa! I'ma counting down da meowments to meet yur pawrents. Ohhhh gonna be speshule and I'll have my pawty manners on. How duz I play da Tagaloni game?

  2. Howdy Jackpot, any picture of you is a great picture! I got tagged earlier, so I will have to go to another folder...easy, we've got tons! Thanks for thinking of me.

  3. Hi Jackpot! We think that's a very sweet picture of you! And we're happy to hear you are very happy in your new home now!!!

  4. hi jackpoy!

    furry nice to meet you.
    we are so happy to see you in your new forever home!! You are one handsome mancat!


  5. Hi Jackpot! I am very happy you are thinking of me :)

    I've done the tagged on Tuesday, here it is:

    but i'll do it again for u with another folder! I'll tell u when I did it :D

  6. Hey Jackpot dear, I've done the tag! COme and see will ya? *wink*

  7. Jackpot, we love all of your pictures, don't you realize what a handsome mancat you are?!...We are thrilled you found such a loving forever home and are glad to hear you are so happy there now...Thanks for playing the tag game with us; we are honored to be your friends!...Happy Friday!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki

  8. We love the pic and we are smiley too that yoo are so happy in yoor forever home.

  9. Hello Jackpot, it's so nice to meet you. Wow, what a photogenic Mancat you are, always looking into the camera. Concats on your forever home.
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  10. Jackpot, we're thrilled you have your forever home and now have a smile on your handsome kitty face! We look forward to seeing new pics!

  11. That is a wonderful picture of you Jackpot. You look very happy and we sure are glad that you found a forever home. Homes are important. Bet you get lots of great food too. Good for you to play the tag game. It is fun to play. Have a great week end.

  12. We are so glad you are settling in Jackpot!

    We are mad at the PM! She had your link saved but did not add it to our list!! Bad bad PM!!!!!!!

    We are so sorry.

    Now we'll stay tuned in!

    Purrs Goldie,Shade and Banshee

  13. Hey Jackpot!!!! I am so happy that you are feeling great and settling into your super home!! Thanks for the tag too :)
    You are a fine looking Mancat and I must say that I have lived indoors for all my 16 1/2 years. I do not mind as there are lots of windows and cozy places to sleep. I never have to worry about rain,snow or other animals that could hurt me :)
    Yup! I am a lucky Mancat too!!!!!
    Purrs Mickey

  14. We're so glad you're smiling now and are settling into your forever home.
